Outlook for Gold in 2018

9 min read

Now that 2018 is here, it is time again to take a look at gold prices, how they have moved in the year gone by, and what is likely to happen in the current year. Making predictions about gold prices is never easy because unlike other commodities where prices are driven by demand and supply, gold is also ultra-sensitive to international economic and political trends of the day. And that is why predictions by experts and industry insiders about where gold is headed often turn out no better than the layman’s stray opinion.

Role of Microfinance in Financial Inclusion

4 min read

By S V Raja Vaidyanathan

Financial inclusion is generally defined in terms of financial exclusion. In India, majority of the population belongs to lower income group. But the facilities which can be availed be it financial services or any other, generally targets the few rich people. Thereby the low-income group gets neglected. This is the kind of exclusion which needs to be highlighted by favoring the concept of Financial Inclusion.

5 steps to get “retirement ready

6 min read

Our parents took care of their parents in old age, probably we would take care of our parents too. Would our children take care of you as well? If your answer is YES, then you need not read further. However, if your answer isn’t a resounding YES, then you have work to do.
While saving for retirement may not be at the forefront of your mind, it should be, no matter how old you are or where you are in your career. Even if you have Rs. ZERO saved, now is the perfect time to begin stowing away money for you financially secure retirement.